Voici la copie d'un message qui y a été publié à mon attention :
JC is putting the cart before the horse. I notice he gives no written, archaeological or genetic evidence (not surprising really because there is none - ALL the available evidence points conclusively to there being NO Celts in Britain, EVER) but he gives "Celtic language" origins for person and place names. The truth is that these languages should never have been labelled "Celtic" in the first place. Let me give him a British History lesson.
The Irish, Scots and Welsh were first labelled "Celts" in the 1850s by two religious buffoons - Edwin Guest and Bishop Stubbs who were Professors of English History at Oxford and Cambridge Universities respectively. Their laughable doctrine was that the Anglo-Saxons (and especially the Hanoverians) - the Masters of the British (read English) Empire - were the direct descendants of the biblical Noah. All other peoples outside of this loop were deemed savages and so the myth of the British Celt was born, and the Keltoi of classical writings were savages of course. The ball was picked up by the upper-class, Hanoverian-sycophants-to-man, chinless wonders of English Academe, who were well-versed in Greek and Latin but not in the ancient BRITISH language - Welsh, the most important language of all if true British history is to be ascertained. They were distinctly hostile to the Welsh and their language and gross, criminal mis-translations of a few Welsh records (now proved to be impeccably authentic) were made by religious (mainly priests) acolytes of Guest and Stubbs. As a result, for nearly 150 years, this massive body of records (dubbed "fantasies" by the good Bishop but in fact - as is being proved time and again -realities) were shamefully neglected. Now, as this mountainous treasure is being studied, a far different picture of pre, contemporary and post Roman Britain is emerging.
Having labelled the Scots, Irish and Welsh "Celts" - based on NO evidence whatsoever - then naturally they had to speak Celtic languages. And so the complete nonsense of "p" and "q" was born: Irish and Scots Gaelic and Manx were classed as "p"; Welsh, Cornish and Breton as "q". Now, there is a remarkable similarity WITHIN the groups but NONE WHATSOEVER (apart from them being Indo-European which encompasses thousands of languages) BETWEEN the groups. In fact, Irish Gaelic is more akin to Spanish than it is to Welsh!
The English Establishment will take a long time to come clean. Think of the fortunes made; scholarships awarded; research grants given; books written; BA, MA and PHd degrees obtained; and careers built on the false premis of the British-Celt - the bigoted, religious myth of Messrs Guest and Stubbs.
Qu'en pensez vous ?
JC Even